Ultimate Xpress

Experience the Ultimate in Paint Protection!

what is paint protection?

Paint protection is an invisible ceramic coating applied to the car that protects it from environmental contaminants like dirt, bird droppings, UV damage, smaller chips and scratches.

At Ultimate Xpress we offer you two options for Paint Protection. Graphene Ceramic 9H+, a transformation in ceramic coating technology manufactured in Australia and tested by the CSIRO to withstand Australian conditions.As specially trained accredited GTechniq applicators, Ultimate Xpress can offer the Crystal Serum Light.An ultra-durable, high-gloss, slick to touch, chemically bonding inorganic layer of 9h optically clear ceramic,that comes with a 5 year guarantee.

Please select your nearest store:

Adelaide City

πŸ“ Address: 121 West Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000

πŸ“ž (08) 7006 2300


Β Address: 415 Brighton Rd, Brighton SA 5048

πŸ“ž 0401 253 656


πŸ“ Address: Unit 2/114 Magill Rd, Norwood SA 5067

πŸ“ž (08) 8362 5309

Why Paint Protection?

Xtreme Gloss Finish

The coating enhances the car’s appearance by adding a rich, high-gloss finish, giving the paint an always-new and vibrant look.

Environmental Resistant

The coating provides a barrier against pollutants, bird droppings, tree sap, and other environmental contaminants, preserving the car's exterior from such damages.

Easy to Re-Clean

Dirt, grime, and other substances have a harder time sticking to the car's surface, making it much easier to clean. Water often beads up and rolls off, carrying dirt with it.

UV Resistant

It acts as a sunblock for your car’s paint, preventing fading and oxidation caused by UV radiation.

Strong Adhesion

Once applied, the coating creates a permanent bond with the paint, offering long-term protection without the need for frequent reapplication.

GTechniq applicators

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, the coating offers superior durability and protection compared to traditional wax or sealants. The nanoparticles fill in the smallest pores in the paint, creating an incredibly smooth and protective surface.

By choosing paint protection, you’re investing in preserving your vehicle’s beauty and value over time. The combination of advanced technology and practical benefits makes it an essential consideration for any car owner who values maintaining their vehicle’s appearance and integrity.

Call us today to make a booking that will transform and protect your cars aesthetics and paint work.

White Reverse Responsive@4x

Specialists in hand car wash, detailing and paint protection in Adelaide.

Our mission is to provide specialised car care using innovative technologies with vehicle safety principles at the forefront. Getting you and your vehicle back on the road with minimal disruption.

Wash Services

Spotless Shine: Eco-Friendly, Advanced Techniques, Gleaming Results.
No Bookings required.


Pristine Perfection: Meticulous Attention, Interior and Exterior Brilliance.
Bookings required.